
1. To try to forget things by positioning objects


For a friend birthday evening, I brought a win bottle and a corkscrew. After having opened the bottle, I put the corkscrew somewhere in the kitchen. I was hoping to forget it here - with special help of halcohol. We spent the evening in the living room and I was reminding this forgeting project from time to time. When it was time to go, I remind to take the corkscrew.


One night, I visit a friend with my book - to read in the metro. I put it on a discreet place - on top of a stack of paper. I didn't think about it for my all stay, but unfortunately remind it 30 minutes befor leaving.

Post office

I neet to go to the post office to ask the price of a specific delivery.
I will try to forget to go. Usually, I would have put my pakage on my desk as a reminder. I will not do so. Finally I didn't forget to go. I was probably having to little to do this day.


I decided today that when I go to someone’s place, I put my keys somewhere and hope to forget it. So these evening I went to F.A.’s place. At the leaving time, he asked me nome news from this forgotten projec. So of course I remember to take my keys.

Same thing again.

To M.L.’s place - 30 minutes after I arrived - I thought to put my keys on a small table slightly set back, on the room where we are. 5 or 10 minutes before we leaved (I was with P.G.) she saw the keys and asked me whose keys was it.

from 29/01/2010 to 01/02/2010
During a stay to M.V.'s place, I put the keys on a discreet place behind the bookcase. At the moment I packed my suitcase on 01-02-2010’s morning, I think to take it but it is not here. I deduce that I took it already on my luggages - what is quite imprudent. Back in Paris, I check if I have got it and see my mistake. So I try to open the door with my credit card but the lock is double-locked. In an hopeless try, I re-searched it again and found it in my wallet. Why/when did I put it here?
Yann Vanderme

On try to F.A.’s place that leads to nothing..

Again… but wasn’t so far from my goal.

A forgetfulness that I didn’t predict and that is more or less caused by this project; I forget to take my keys before leaving my place. I realized it I didn’t had it while going back home on the evening. So I knock the door and P.G. was at home and opened it. “More or less” caused by this project because for it, I detached the main key from the bunch in order to put only the main keys to differents places. So this day I took only the bunch and not the keys.